An Incomplete & Biased List of the Best Restaurants in Tucson
Look, I know a lot of you stumbled on my page looking for real estate info- and there’s lots of that here! And there’s even more info trapped in my brain, so if you do have real estate questions, always feel free to just call me and ask them!!
However, I would be doing this town a disservice if I didn’t also highlight all the amazing things Tucson has to offer. And since we were named the first UNESCO City of Gastronomy in the United States, I knew I needed to start with a list of restaurants. Plus, one of my favorite things to do is to eat yummy food, so I figured I’d compile a list of alllll my faves for you, dear reader.
Without further adieu, please enjoy my completely biased list of the best restaurants here in the Old Pueblo:
Mexican (I’m going to list sit down restaurants here, but personally- any of the drive thru Nico’s- especially the one on Campbell- Paco’s, and Ramiro’s Taco shop are my favorite for fast, DELICIOUS options)
Anita’s Street Market (temporarily closed but keeping in the hopes it reopens)
Fancy Night Out
What did I miss? Any favorites of yours I left out? Let me know!!!